MSc in Integrative Ecosocial Design
Gaia University

Richard Kühnel

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Analysis & Design

Social Equity

In the context of this project Social Equity means building community and personal and social relationships with other individuals and groups in an equitable way. It includes the idea of ensuring human dignity, to communicate in a non-violent way and fully respect each other. Social equity can be seen closely related to social justice - both are needed and go hand in hand.
As mentioned earlier, due to my experience when forming and running the Inland Northwest Eco-Center (INEC) with the necessity of working with others, building community and learning how to communicate in supportive ways, one focus in this project is to improve the "social design" of it. The social aspect is the one that did not work out at INEC.


For this project therefore I want to give the social aspect sufficient attention and make sure that the community knows about it. There are different layers how I plan to address and design the social component into this project:

  • Meeting the neighbors
    The idea is to have some informal and fun gatherings to which we invite the neighborhood.
  • Sharing our skills and experience with others
    We have hired two of Berta's nephews for the summer to do much of the physical labor. In the future we will be able to offer interested interns and apprentices room, board and a small stipend in exchange for help.
  • Different types of classes and workshops
  • Friends and interested people
    We plan to do three work parties this year to which we first will invite our friends and the community. This way we have help for larger tasks, build community, share what we are doing, spread the word and make contacts with potential future clients.
  • Community events
    Around the end of the summer and growing season we are planning to invite everyone to celebrate the harvest and have an open house, sharing our successes, challenges and future plans.
Support Network

I am planning to use several elements to receive good support and develop them over time as appropriate:

  • Circles
    This is a small group of 5 - 8 people that combines the ideas of heart circles (see "Heart Circles" by Tej Steiner, Interactive Media Publishing, 2006), support groups and action learning.
  • Mentor(s), Advisors, Experts
    I have found at this point one mentor locally, Bruce Millard, who is a practicing architect and very involved with natural building and knowledgeable about sustainability. We have agreed to meet once a week for an hour.
  • Partner and Family
    Even though it might be at times quite challenging to agree on changes in lifestyle, property modifications, the flow of funds and at the same time minimize disruption, this project is an opportunity to create a way of living that is more in touch with nature, uses less resources, can bring a family closer and help in making conscious choices. I know in my case, without the support of my partner, Berta, this project would not be possible.
  • Sponsors
    In the future I am hoping to find some sponsors for specific pieces of this project - for example for the first in town cob building - for financial support, expertise or making connections.
Publications & Media

There are several opportunities to create publications for various occasions and events and for sale, thus making this project and its intention to function as a model and demonstration site known to the community, attract people to visit and find out how they can do something similar for themselves, appropriate for their own situation. This includes:

  • Work Party Flyers
  • A letter and brochure explaining the nature of the project
  • An introductory booklet about Urban Permaculture
  • A project presentation from 10 - 60 minutes length about our home as an urban permaculture example
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